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SeaScope staff have long been at the forefront of fisheries research and monitoring programmes and recognise the importance of sharing this experience.

Publication List, Project Reports and Presentations



Course, G.P., 2017. Electronic Monitoring – why camera technology is a cost-effective and robust solution to improving UK fisheries management. Commissioned and Published by Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). 40pp. WWF 2017 Report Update on Electronic Monitoring

Course, G. P., 2015. Electronic Monitoring in Fisheries Management. Commissioned and Published by Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). 40pp. WWF Report – EM in Fisheries Management

Course G., Pasco G., O’Brien M. and Addison J. 2015. Evidence Gathering in Support of Sustainable Scottish Inshore Fisheries: Monitoring Fishery Catch to Assist Scientific Stock Assessments in Scottish Inshore Fisheries – a Pilot Study and Identifying Catch Composition to Improve Scottish Inshore Fisheries Management using Technology to Enable Self-Reporting – a Pilot Study. Published by MASTS. 164pp. Report: Evidence Gathering in Scottish Inshore Fisheries

Contributors, Course, G. P., Pasco, G.R., et al. 2015. Report: Workshop on Remote Electronic Monitoring with Regards to Bycatch of Small Cetaceans.
Steering Group: Meike Scheidat & Sara Königson (Ascobans Meeting Report REM2015)

Course, G.P. 2015. Presentation at Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) Fisheries and the Protection of Biodiversity Conference, Gydnia, 19th November 2015. Title: “The landing Obligation – How to Monitor Effectively”.

Course, G.P., Pasco, G.R., and Addison, J., 2015. Presentation at the Scottish Inshore Fisheries Conference, 9th October 2015, Inverness. Title: “Working with fishermen to improve inshore fisheries science”.

Course, G.P., 2015. Casting ideas for the future of fishing. Friends of the Scotsman, 9th October 2015.
Scotsman article

Course, G.P., 2015. Presentation at ASCOBANS Electronic Monitoring Workshop 2nd October 2015, The Hague. Title: “Electronic Monitoring – Recent trials on the West Coast Scottish Inshore Fishing Fleet and Lessons Learned”.

Roberts, J; Course, G.P.; Pasco G.P. and Sandeman L. (2015). Catch Quota Trials – South West Beam Trawl. SW Beam Trawl Catch Quota Trial 2013

Roberts, J; Course, G.P.; Pasco G.P. (2014). Catch Quota Trial Final Report 2013 – western haddock.
 SW Haddock Catch Quota Trial 2013

Roberts, J and Course, G.P (2014). Grade Composition and Selectivity of ICES VII b-k Haddock in the South-west Otter Trawl Fishery. September 2014. 
SW Haddock Grade and Selectivity Report 2014

Roberts, J; Course, G.P.; Pasco G.P. (2014). North Sea Cod Catch Quota Trials: Final Report 2013. August 2014
 North Sea CQ Trials 2013

Roberts, J; Course, G.P.; Pasco G.P. (2014). Western Haddock Catch Quota Trial: Interim Report November 2013
 SW Haddock CQ Trials Interim 2013

Roberts, J; Course, G.P.; Pasco G.P. (2013). Catch Quota Trial 2012 report, Marine Management Organisation Website.
 North Sea CQ Trials 2012

Course, G.P. (2012). Under10m remote electronic monitoring report, Marine Management Organisation Website. Under 10m Vessel EM Trial

Roberts, J; Course, G.P.; Pasco G.P. (2012). Catch Quota Trial 2011 report, Marine Management Organisation Website.
 CQ Trial 2011

Course, G.P. (2013). BBC News Television Interview with MMO in 2013 on Electronic Monitoring of Fisheries. CCTV Keeping an Eye on Fishermen

Course, G.P. (2012). C4News Television Interview with MMO in 2012. CCTV Monitoring Keeps An Eye On Anything Fishy

Course, G.P., Pasco G., Revill A., and Catchpole T., 2011. The English North Sea Catch-Quota Pilot Scheme – Using REM as a verification tool.
 EM Pilot Project North Sea Cod 2011

Pasco, G., Whittaker, C., and Elliott, S. 2009. Northern Irish CCTV Trials. Fisheries Science Partnership 2009/10 Final report. 28pp.
De Oliveira, J., Pasco, G., Armstrong, M, and Randall, P. 2009. North East Cod Survey 2003-2008. Fisheries Science Partnership 2008/09 Final report. 43pp.

Armstrong, M., Dann, J., Garrod, C. and Pasco, G. (2007) Programme 3: Irish Sea Roundfish.. Fisheries Science Partnership 2006/07 Final report. 53pp

Cotter, AJR; Course, G.P; Ashworth, J; Forster, R; Enever, R; Goad, D; Bush, R; Shaw, S; Mainprize, R; Garrod, C (2006)
Summary of commercial marine fishing by English and Welsh vessels greater than or equal to 10 metres LOA for 2004.
Science Series Technical Report, Cefas, No. 134, 93p.

Armstrong, M.J., Doran, S., Pasco, G. and Randall, P. 2009. Irish Sea roundfish surveys.
Fisheries Science Partnership 2008/09 Final report. 51pp

Armstrong, M.J., Tingley, G., Beeching, A, Peach, D. and Pasco, G. 2008. Irish Sea roundfish surveys. Fisheries Science Partnership 2007/08 Final report. 53pp.

McCracken, M. and G. Course (2001). “Multi-stage estimators for total catch and discards by age in fisheries”. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics (2003 – in press).

Course, G.P. (2002). Conference Presentation entitled “Coordinating an International Catch Sampling Survey in the North Sea”.
Conference Poster Presentation entitled “Catch Sampling of English and Welsh Fisheries”.
Both presented at the International Fisheries Observer Conference, 18-21st November 2002, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA.

Cotter, A.J.R and Course, G.P (2002)
Discard studies in support of CFP. Final report for DEFRA.
Cefas Contracts Report, No. MF0150. 120p.Course, G.P. (2002). English Contribution to :- Advisory committee on fisheries management: “Report of the study group on discard and by catch information”. ICES CM 2002/ACFM: 09 (Ref D,G), 4-7 March 2002, Copenhagen, 47 pages.
Chairman Dr A.J.R. Cotter.

Course, G.P. (2000). Advisory committee on fisheries management: “Report of the study group on discard and by catch information”. ICES CM 2000/ACFM: 11, 20-22 March 2000, Copenhagen, 57 pages.
Chairman Dr A.J.R. Cotter

Cotter, A.J.R., Course, G.P., Buckland, S.T., and Garrod, C., (2001). A PPS sample survey of English fishing vessels to estimate discarding and retention of North Sea cod, haddock and whiting. Fisheries Research, 1258: 1-11, 2001.

Allen, M., Kilpatrick, D., Armstrong, M., Briggs, R., Course, G., and Perez, N., (2002). Multistage cluster sampling design and optimal sample sizes for estimation of fish discards from commercial trawlers. Fisheries Research, 55, 11-24, 2002.

Allen, M., Kilpatrick, D., Armstrong, M., Briggs, R., Perez, N., and Course, G., (2001). Evaluation of sampling methods to quantify discarded fish using data collected during discards project EC 95/094 by Northern Ireland, England and Spain. Fisheries Research, 49, 241-254, 2001.

Course, G.P. (2001). Public Presentation entitled “Total take and discarding by fisheries in the North Sea” at the North Sea Commission International Conference on “Predation and technical interactions on fish stocks in the North Sea – and future management”. 13-14 September 2001, Vederso, Denmark.

Course, G. P., 1999. “On-board Sampling of Gadoids Discarded and Retained by Commercial Fishing Vessels”, MSc(Res), UEA, 31st December 1999.

Tamsett, D., Janacek, G., Emberton, M., Lart, W., and Course, G.P., (1999). “Onboard sampling for measuring discards in commercial fishing based on multilevel modelling of measurements in the Irish Sea from NW England and N Wales”, Fisheries Research, 42, 117-126.

Course, G. P., Cotter, A.J.R., Jolliffe, Capt. R., Kay, Capt B., and Rolfe, M.S., (1999). “Safe practices for sampling commercial trawler catches at sea”, Fisheries Research, 41, 99-104. Note: – Adapted by Cefas as a Code of Practise.

Cotter, A. J. R. (Co-ordinator) et al (includes G.P. Course), June 1999. “ On-board sampling of fish landed and discarded by commercial vessels”, EC Project 95/094. Final Report to the European Commission.

Course, G. P. and Cotter, J., July 1997. “ On-board sampling of fish landed and discarded by commercial vessels”, EC Project 95/094. First Annual Progress Report to the European Commission.

Course, G. P., Lart, W., and Arkley, K., February 1997. Exploratory Fishing Trials for Nephrops norvegicus in the Sea Areas Around St. Kilda. Consultancy Report No. CR119. PESCA Funded.

Course, G. P., Emberton, M., and Lart, W., September 1996. Discard and Effort Survey: Channel ICES Areas VIId and e, 1995. Consultancy Report No. CR110. MAFF R & D Commission 1994/96, Project Code MFO127. Crown Copyright 1996.

Cotter, A.J.R. (Co-ordinator) et al (includes G.P. Course), August 1995. “Assessment of discarding rates for commercial species of fish”, EC Project BIOECO 93/003. Final Report to the European Commission.

Emberton, M., Course, G. P., and Lart W., October 1995. Irish Sea Finfish and Nephrops Discard Study 1993/94. Consultancy Report No. CR99, MAFF R & D Commission 1993/94, Project Code MFO122. Crown Copyright 1995.

Course, G.P.; Lart, JW (1994)
Exploratory fishing for Chaceon (Geryon) affinis on Rosemary Bank.
Seafish Report, No. 444. 11p., tables, figs, appends.Seafish report


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